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Child Care Workers Casework Management Manual

This manual was produced by Gail Taylor, Technical Advisor to OneLife Project, EveryChild Guyana .
Help & Shelter is pleased to make it available for wide distribution. Credit must be given to the One Life Project and Everychild Guyana/Child Link when the content is used.

September 2009

About the manual

This manual is aimed at a range of individuals who work with vulnerable children in a number of different contexts and organizational settings. Wherever possible, it tries to provide generic information that will be useful across a number of different contexts and roles.

However, this manual is intended as a working document, not as a finished publication. It is organized in such a way that you can add materials which are relevant and specific to your own particular job and to the agency that you work in. You are encouraged to seek out information and documentation from within your own organization and to insert alongside the examples already provided. In that way it will become a valuable reference document for yourself and for others working in your organization.
Some of the material and examples of, for instance, job descriptions, referral procedures, risk assessment procedures, professional values and boundaries, are taken from a Handbook of Good Practice that was developed in 2009 for and with staff from the Childcare and Protection Agency (CPA) of the Ministry of Labour and Human and Social Services. They are included for three reasons.

Firstly, the material was developed in consultation with staff and much of it, for example, the sections on professional ethics and behaviours are well thought through, relevant to the Guyanese context and applicable to almost any staff in any agency working with children. Users of this manual are advised to read these sections and assess their relevance to your own work, and make notes of any additions or amendments.
Secondly, where material is used purely as an example, for instance job descriptions, referral forms, this is intended to provide a good concrete example of what needs to be provided in this manual from your own agency. Where organizational structure diagrams, statements of roles and responsibilities, job descriptions and statements of Policy on Child Protection in your agency exist, you are advised to obtain them and insert them in the relevant sections. Where they do not exist, the examples in this manual can provide you with evidence of what your organization needs to address in order to provide a supportive professional context for your work. You are advised to approach those responsible in your organization to discuss developing and improving the agency’s documentation and procedures where they are lacking. EveryChild Guyana can provide guidance on the development of an internal Child Protection Policy for your agency where this does not exist already. Some agencies are happy to adopt EveryChild’s Policy as their own and a copy of that document is included for information and example.

Thirdly, many people working with children who are at risk, express a need to know both the responsibilities of the CPA and about the way they actually operate. Caseworkers in the field have expressed a wish to know what happens after they have referred a child to the CPA, or after a child they have been working with is admitted to a residential care home, or exactly what actions the CPA can take in cases of suspected abuse or violence. For these reasons, many of the forms, processes and procedures used by the CPA are included here as is information on the role and powers of the Police and how the Police and the CPA interact.
The more the different actors in the field of child support know about each others roles, responsibilities and ways of working, the greater the chance of keeping children safe and avoiding instances of children falling through “holes in the net”.

Table of Contents 
Part 1: About This Manual
1.1 About this manual: Introduction
1.2 Glossary of terms used and dictionary of counselling terminology
1.3 Meanings of acronyms used in the manual
1.4 Sources of information and acknowledgements

Part 2: About Your Organisation (Employer)
2.1 What you need to know about your organisation (to support you in your work)
2.2 Your agency’s organisational structure
2.3 Your organisations’ purpose and objectives
2.4 Your organisations’ functions, activities and responsibilities
2.5 Job description for your role and others concerned with children’s welfare
2.6 Prevention of/protection from abuse within your agency (Internal CP Policy)
2.7 Codes of Conduct for activities within your agency
2.8 Professional values underpinning good practice
2.9 Rights Based Working and organisational practice

Parts 2.10 and 2.11: About Supervision; Guidance for agencies, supervisors & counselors
2.10.1 Definitions of Line Management and Counselling/Case Management Supervision
2.10.2 Normative activities of supervision
2.10.3 Developmental activities of supervision
2.10.4 Restorative activities of supervision
2.10.5 Summary of activities of counselling supervision and case management
2.10.6 What is needed for effective counselling supervision
2.10.7 The working alliance between supervisor and counsellor
2.10.8 Creating trust and making a contract for supervision
2.10.9 Getting the best out of supervision sessions
2.10.10 Presenting cases for supervision
2.11.1 Roles and functions of the case management/counselling supervisor
2.11.2 Creating a structure and agenda for supervision sessions
2.11.3 How the balance of challenge and support enable growth
2.11.4 Definitions and models of group supervision
2.11.5 Tasks and responsibilities of group supervision
2.11.6 Recording of and for supervision sessions

Part 3: About the Childcare and Protection Agency
3.1 What you need to know about the Childcare and Protection Agency
3.2 The CPA’s proposed organisational structure
3.3 The purpose and objectives of the CPA: mission and objectives statements
3.4 The CPA’s functions and responsibilities
3.5 Job description for CPA Child Protection Officers
Part 3.6 CPA Procedures That You Need to Know About
3.6.1 New referrals and intake procedures, case categorization and allocation
3.6.2 Risk assessment
3.6.3 Arrangements for Voluntary Care
3.6.4 Procedures involving the Police and child protection
3.6.5 Procedures involving the courts and the police: Court Orders for care and protection
3.6.6 Procedures for fostering children
Part 3.7 Financial and Other Assistance from the CPA
3.7.1 Public Assistance
3.7.2 Difficult Circumstances Assistance

Part 4: About Child Abuse and Child Protection
4.1 Definitions of “child”, “child protection” and types and patterns of abuse
Part 4.2 Recognising signs of abuse and neglect
4.2.1 Recognising signs of abuse: Bruises
4.2.2 Recognising signs of abuse: Bites and oral Injuries
4.2.3 Recognising signs of abuse: Burns and thermal injuries
4.2.4 Understanding causes of abuse and indicators of risk
Part 4.3 Taking Action on Actual, Suspected or Reported Abuse
4.3.1 Taking action on sexual abuse
4.3.2 Taking action on physical abuse
4.3.3 What the Childcare and Protection Agency will do with a referral (see alsoPart 3.6)
4.3.4 Working with a child who has been abused
4.3.5 Working with parents/caregivers who abuse their child

Part 5 Case Management Process/Standard Forms and Procedures
5.1 How to use this part of the manual
5.2 Case Study for practicing completion of Case Information, Assessment and Care Plan forms.
5.3 Completing Form CR1 Information
5.4 Completing Form CR2 Assessment
5.5 Completing Form CR3 Care Plan
5.6 Overview of case management from intake to termination and description of steps in the process
5.7 Completing monthly reports on cases

Part 6 Psychology of Child Development & Dysfunctional Behaviours
6.1 Stages of psycho-social development in children and teenagers
6.1.2 The psychology and behaviour patterns of adolescents
6.2 Age related differences in response to death and bereavement
6.3 The psychology behind lying
6.4 The psychology behind stealing
6.5 The psychology and behaviours of physically abused children
6.6 The psychology and behaviours of sexually abused children
6.7 The psychology and behaviours of emotionally abused and neglected children.
6.8 The psychology and behaviours of street children and children in conflict with the law.
6.9 The psychology of non-verbal behaviours.

Part 7 Principles of Counselling and Therapeutic Work with Children
7.1 What is counselling? Definition and philosophy.
7.1.2 Basic Principles of counselling children
Part 7.2 Qualities and Skills of Counsellors
7.2.1 Congruence
7.2.2 Making contact and developing rapport
7.2.3 Active listening
7.2.4 The process and skills of challenging
Part 7.3 The Three Stage Counselling Model (Gerard Egan’s Model)
7.3.1 Using the 3 stage model with children
Other Aspects of Counselling
7.4 The Four P’s of counselling: Purpose,Principles, Process and Practice
7.5 Group counselling
7.6 Crisis counseling
7.7 Narrative therapy
7.8 Gender specific counseling
7.9 Working with adults
7.10 Knowing your limits, when to refer and good practice in referral

Part 8 Working with Specific Issues and Problems
Part 8.1 About Bereavement
8.1.1 Bereavement and loss: Information for counselors and care-givers
8.1.2 Bereavement support for adolescents and young people
8.1.3 Addressing and normalizing the child’s feelings
8.1.4 Using child friendly tools to work with bereavement and loss
8.1.4b Using the Facial Expressions cards in cases of bereavement and loss
8.1.5 Slide Set: Bereavement, loss and grief
8.1.6 The Grieving Process
Part 8.2 About Self Esteem
8.2 Self Esteem in children
8.2.1 Helping your child develop self esteem; Information for parents
Critical Issues
8.3 Supporting children who have been sexually abused
8.4 Supporting children who may be suicidal
Part 8.5 Behaviour Change
8.5 Basic principles and practice of behaviour change work.
8.5.1 Behaviour change notes for parents
Part 8.6 About Anger and Aggression
8.6 All about anger and aggression
8.6.1 Anger management
8.6.2 Supporting children to manage anger and aggression
8.6.3 Tips for parents and teachers on dealing with an angry child
Other Specific Issues
8.7 Bedwetting: Information for parents and counselors
8.8 Helping children deal with fears and phobias
8.9 Inhibited, withdrawn and shy children
Part 8.10 About Specific Learning Difficulties and Special Needs
8.10.1 About Section 8.10 and learning difficulties in general
8.10.2 About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD)
8.10.3 Notes for parents and carers of children with ADHD/ADD
8.10.4 Autism Spectrum Disorders
8.10.5 About Dyslexia
8.10.6 Checklist for identifying dyslexia
8.10.7 All about dyspraxia
8.10.8 All about dysgraphia
8.10.9 Identifying sight and hearing problems
8.10.10 Tips and hints that help with most types of learning difficulties and related behavioural problems
8.10.11 Tips and hints for parents and carers to help children organize their work and manage homework
Part 8.11 About Sexual Identity
8.11.1 Definitions and interpretations of homosexuality, heterosexism and homophobia
8.11.2 Helping children and adolescents with developmental and sexual identity issues

Part 9 Special Tools for Working with Children
9.1 General information on play and activity techniques
9.2 Play therapy tools for post trauma counseling
9.3 Facial expressions
9.4 Thematic story cards
9.5 Kinetic Family Drawing (KFD)
9.6 Interpreting drawings and art work
9.7 The Hero Book

Part 10 About Stress and Stress Management
10.1 The physical, bio-chemical and emotional response to stress
10.2 Nutrition and stress
10.3 Sleep and stress: The importance of “quality sleep”
10.4 Overview of strategies for managing stress and 10 tips
10.5 Building recovery and recharging into your day.
10.6 Recharging and recovering exercises
10.7 Summary of self-help stress management and 52 known stress reducing tactics.
10.8 Self-help relaxation exercises for stress management
10.9 Stress factors questionnaire
10.10 Stress symptoms questionnaire