Hotline# 613-1811/633-3788  Línea directa 608-2096,608 -2097 
Phone: 592-225-4731/ 227-8353/ 227-3454   Facebook 
Homestretch Avenue, D’ Urban Park, Georgetown. Guyana. S. A 


Help & Shelter shares its policies with the public

This policy applies to all Help & Shelter Employees and Related Personnel. both during and outside normal working hours. It will apply even if it is more stringent than local legislation.

This policy sets out Help & Shelter’s approach to preventing and addressing sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse. It includes:

This policy applies to all relevant persons of Help & Shelter. Relevant persons include staff, board members, volunteers, and short-term contractors.

Part I includes sections that are useful for and made available to all relevant persons and are publicly available on Help & Shelter’s website.

 Part II includes sections that are used for the board in responding to allegations and incidences of fraud and building an anti-fraud culture.

Help & Shelter's mandate is to contribute to the removal of the use of violence in our society. Frequently, associated issues arise, which, irrespective of our personal positions, need to be met with a common Help & Shelter response.

These issues include:

  • Abortion
  • Racial prejudice
  • Religious, gender and other prejudices
  • Homosexuality
  • Corporal punishment
  • Handling complaints and allegations of misconduct
  • Relations with the media

This policy applies to everyone who works with Help & Shelter (H&S) in any capacity, whether paid or unpaid (collectively called H&S representatives) and covers incidents that have occurred both before and after the start of the relationship with . Insofar as a provision in this policy is in conflict with any provision in H & S Governance, Policies & Procedures manual, this policy shall prevail. All H&S representatives must be provided with a copy of this policy and agree to adhere to and be bound by it in writing.