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This manual was produced by Dr Faith Harding as part of a training workshop held in January 2009 to train Help and Shelter counsellors in various therapeutic methods.
These methods include cognitive behaviour therapy, creative therapy, play therapy, art therapy, experiential therapy and techniques for family therapy.

In sandplay storytelling, the child is invited to share their story and work through their problems in a non-intrusive, symbolic manner. To facilitate this, the counselor provides an environment that is safe, secure, and quiet for the sandplay session. The counselor encourages the child to select figures from a large variety of figures that include people, animals, food, vehicles, buildings, religious symbols, mythological characters, and more.

On the November 24 2007, Help and Shelter in commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women had a booth next to Guyana Stores in Georgetown to provide information on the services that Help and Shelter offers, resources such as flyers, brochures and provide answer questions to the public on domestic violence, trafficking of persons and child abuse.
Help and Shelter staff and volunteers utilized this opportunity to administer 182 questionnaires to capture information on the following:

Help & Shelter and the Ministry of Education with the support of the British High Comission have embarked on a project to conduct some workshops with Fourth Form students in secondary schools across Guyana. The objective of the project is to equip the students with knowledge and skills which could alleviate the risk of domestic violence, suicide, alcohol abuse and child abuse in their lives. This will done through several interactive sessions. The attached documents are resources which facilitators will use as part of the workshops. Please feel free to download and use them.

Help and Shelter has access to various manuals for use in public education. All can be distributed and used freely, as long as Help & Shelter is credited with the source.

On this page, you can download some manuals , reports and other documents which were produced as resources in work against violence.  Unless otherwise stated , the materials are available for FREE distribution and use, with credit acknowledged to Help & Shelter and sources . If you have any difficulties downloading these manuals, please contact us

The purpose of this article is to encourage parents and caregivers who think it is okay to beat children to think about their attitudes to beating children, and to discuss some non violent alternative ways of disciplining children. It is part of an ongoing series of articles in the partnership between the Guyana Chronicle and Help & Shelter to deal with domestic violence and some of the other problems in our society which prevent individuals from achieving their full potential. The information in this article is gleaned from different sources .


These leaflets were produced using Microsoft Publisher 2000. They are zipped up using Winzip. Please feel free to download them, and edit as you please for free distribution. If you are not in Guyana, please localise or translate them if you have to 

The National Domestic Violence Policy was launched in June 2008. Help & Shelter and Red Thread are two of the NGOs who contributed to the development of the policy.

1. Purpose of this Resource Kit

The purpose of this  kit is to provide facilitators with resources to train nurses and other health care workers to make appropriate interventions when they discover that the children in their care have been abused. The kit is built on the information which Everychild Guyana and Help & Shelter have used in their work against child abuse