Hotline# 613-1811/633-3788  Línea directa 608-2096,608 -2097 
Phone: 592-225-4731/ 227-8353/ 227-3454   Facebook 
Homestretch Avenue, D’ Urban Park, Georgetown. Guyana. S. A 

Volunteering with Help & Shelter

Do you ....

  • want to change society's attitudes to violence and the use of violence?
  • have some time to spare?
  • have some skills you which would like to develop?
  • want to learn about domestic violence and the issues we deal with?



If you volunteer with Help & Shelter, you will

  • learn how to deal with domestic violence, child abuse and related issues
  • develop the knowledge to help people who are experiencing these problems
  • be able to develop your skills by undertaking tasks which you might not otherwise do
  • meet people from different backgrounds who share a common purpose
  • receive recognition for your work
  • contribute to a change in our society


Unfortunately, we cannot fund the participation of people outside of Guyana who would like to do voluntary work in Guyana. We have hosted volunteers from VSO, CESO, Peace Corps and Canadian Crossroads 

Volunteers are needed for : 

Public Education and Advocacy
  • Design and distribute leaflets, posters, brochures
  • Facilitate workshops, discussions on  domestic violence, 
  • Media watch 
  • Use radio and TV appearances
  • Raise awareness in  work places
  • Any other activity which you think would help to raise the awareness of domestic violence and related issues

If you live outside of Guyana and have an Internet connection, you could design the leaflets, brochures and posters and email them to us. 

Fund raising
  • Organise fund raising events
  • Help us to prepare project proposals for funding
  • Solicit donations of cash and kind - clothes, non-perishable food items, money for our Shelter and for the Crisis Counselling Centre. This must be done with our permission.
ResearchHelp & Shelter must keep up to date with the developments in dealing with domestic violence and the related issues. We will be grateful for copies of papers, referrals to books, Internet resources or any other material which you think is relevant which would share knowledge about ways in which we could achieve our mission
Administrative DutiesTo help with some of the office tasks - filing, organising materials, etc

Training in Hotline Counselling is done when the need arises. Counselling and Public Education volunteers must undergo an orientation programme with us.

Some of the activities which were done by volunteers

  • The directors are all volunteers
  • A volunteer prepared the flyers. Another volunteer is seeking sponsorship for printing
  • A social worker in Canada voluntarily drafted a proposal for funding.
  • Another social activist volunteered her time to write two proposals which she followed up with funding agencies
  • A volunteer prepared a filing index after three years of harum scaring filing.
  • A volunteer prepared the list of assets in the office
  • A volunteer collects newspaper clippings on relevant news articles.
  • Volunteers go out to speak to groups about domestic violence and child abuse.
  • Volunteers contribute to our networking initiatives with other NGOs and agencies

If you are interested in donating some of your time, whether from within Guyana or from outside of Guyana,to working for a society which is free from domestic violence and child abuse please contact us.